First Holy Communion/Primera Santa Comunión

The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian initiation, together with Baptism and Confirmation and it constitutes the source of he Church’s life itself.  ~Pope Francis

The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian initiation, together with Baptism and Confirmation and it constitutes the source of he Church’s life itself.

~Pope Francis

First Holy Communion is the first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist. We as Catholics recognize the importance of this event as the Eucharist is the central focus of the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.

First Holy Communion is the first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist. We as Catholics recognize the importance of this event as the Eucharist is the central focus of the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.


The Sacrament of the First Holy Communion is one of the most important Sacraments of Initiation because in the Sacrament a person receives Jesus himself in the form of bread and wine. It is called first because a person receives this Sacrament for the first time.
The following are the REQUIREMENTS for children to be enrolled in the preparation or formation program for the sacrament of the First Holy Communion:

1. Candidate or child must have received valid baptism.
2. He/She must have already completed the religious education for the First Holy Communion. The formation program or preparation process is at least two years.
3. To be able to register, the family must be registered in a parish.

4. Must participate in the Holy Mass frequently.


-For Girls: white dress, veil, white shoes, gloves (optional)

-For Boys: while pants, white shirt, jacket and tie (optional)

 How is the First Holy Communion Celebrated?
The Frist Holy Communion is either conferred by the Bishop or a priest.

It is celebrated in a Holy Mass. The children come with their proper dress in a procession and often sit down in the front pews of the Church. when it is time for the holy communion, they get to receive their first holy communion.

Pictures of each candidate or a group photo may be taken at the discretion of the pastor.


El Sacramento de la Primera Santa Comunion es uno de los Sacramentos mas importantes del Sacramentos de la Iniciacion porque por medio de este Sacramento uno recibe a mismo Jesus en la forma de pan y vino. Se llama primera porque una persona recibe este Sacramento por primera vez.

Los siguientes son los REQUISITOS para que los niños se inscriban en el programa de preparación o formación para el sacramento de la Confirmación:

1. El candidato o el niño debe haber recibido un bautismo válido.

2. Debe haber completado ya la educación religiosa para la Primera Comunión. El programa de formación o proceso de preparación es de al menos dos años.

3. Para poder registrarse, la familia debe estar registrada en una parroquia.

4. Debe participar en la Santa Misa con frecuencia.


-Para niñas: vestido blanco, velo, zapatos blancos, guantes (opcional)

-Para niños: pantalón, camisa blanca, saco y corbata (opcional)

¿Cómo se celebra la Primera Comunión?

La primera Sagrada Comunión la confiere el obispo o un sacerdote. Se celebra en una Santa Misa. Los niños vienen con su vestimenta adecuada en una procesión y, a menudo, se sientan en los bancos delanteros de la Iglesia. Cuando llega el momento de la santa comunión, reciben su primera santa comunión. Se pueden tomar fotografías de cada candidato o una foto de grupo a la discreción del pastor.